Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Shooting Baseball

Like shooting any sport, you’ll always want to fill as much as the frame as possible.  I was taught to shoot tight and crop tighter.  So with that said I’ll bring three lens for any baseball game (and this goes for all field sports) a 24-105 f/4, a 70-200 f/2.8 and a 400 f/2.8.  I’ll also have a TC 1.4 that will work very nicely on the 70-200 and the 400.

Position #1, if the officials will allow me inside the fence I’ll position myself next to the fence at first base.  From here I’ll grab shots of right handed batters and left handed pitchers using the 70-200 with the 1.4 TC.  This position will give me a good angle for plays at third base and home plate as well fielding in the infield and the right outfielder.  You can try to shots of other plays of course, but if I can’t fill the frame on fielding, I’ll keep my lens pointed at the runner.  At this position I’ll also use my 400 to get nice tight shots of players at all positions.

Position #2, the second inning, I’ll switch to the third base where you’ll get good shots of left handed batters and right handed pitchers.   This position will also give you the best coverage on all three bases, home plate, and the left outfielder.

My third position will be outside the fence behind the catcher and get shots of the pitchers straight on.  I’ll shoot some tight with the 400 and some wider shots using 70-200. 
After that I’ll put myself on freestyle mode.   That could be outside the fence next to the left or right outfielder and hope a ball gets hit to them.  It could be hanging out in the dugout (with permission of course) to get some candid’s/emotions of the players.  Or when a coach puts in a new pitcher I’ll move to position #3 and #1 or #2 to get shots of the new pitcher.

Last bit of advice…don’t chase the plays.  Get in your location and stay there at least a whole inning at first.  There will always be plays that cannot be captured all any position.  Just be patient and get the plays you can at the current position.

As far as settings all of my bodies are setup using these settings:

I’ll typically shoot in AV mode shooting wide open (largest aperture for the lens I’m using which is f/2.8 on the 70-200 and 400, or f/4 on the 24-105 and f/4 on the 70-200 and 400 when the TC is attached), and then set my ISO until I can maintain a shutter speed of 1/1000.  But when the sun is high and there are no clouds will get a lot of shading on the faces due to the baseball caps.  If that is the case I’ll over expose the images by at least 1/3rd of a stop.  I’d rather see faces and have blown out backgrounds then not being able to see the face.

Other settings is set the AF to AI-Servo and set the camera up to use one of the back buttons to activate the AF.

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